At Cafe Chairs Melbourne much of the furniture that we stock are replicas of iconic chairs which were brought to the forefront of design at the time by famous furniture designers. Offering several styles, colours, materials, you’re sure to find one to suit your cafe, bar, or bistro.
Replica furniture has become widely popular in recent years as the interest in modern interior design has grown. However, aside from this replica furniture also offers many benefits, so let’s take a look at a few.
Well made
Our selection of replica furniture represents a collection of some of the best in sleek modern design and since it is constructed in a similar fashion to create the same level of durability as the originals, it means that you can be assured of alternative quality pieces to the originals, at far more affordable prices. In other words you can embrace the designer look without making a huge dent in your budget.
Take our ribbon chair, for example, this thought provoking chair is designed to keep the exact same integrity of the original Masters Chair created by Phillipe Starcke which incorporated three equally iconic chairs from designers Arne Jacobsen, Charles Eames, and Eero Saarinen. Available to buy from us in four fantastic colours, it make a real statement wherever you place it. Crafted from strong, resilient PP that has been UV treated, it can be used indoors or out.
Another popular replica are our Tolix chairs, which are made in the same way as the original chairs designed by Xavier Pauchard and which fit so well into contemporary and traditional spaces. Chairs such as these have remained popular throughout the years because of their design and durability and cafe owners in particular have cottoned on to the fact that not only are they amazingly strong, being made from steel, but they’re also lightweight and can be moved around easily. What’s more they have a unusual characteristic in the fact that a few bumps and dents actually improve their looks.
Replica furniture isn’t chosen purely for its looks. People also buy it knowing that the original was designed to be functional and was carefully planned to suit practically any space. This is the main reason that replica styles remain popular despite new styles coming on to the market.
When the Tolix chair was first introduced it was a basic staple used throughout Paris in schools, hospitals, and cafes, and was even at one time given away by breweries as an incentive for publicans to sell their beer, so relatively speaking it was a cheap as chips. These days, if you can even hunt down an original Tolix chair, it’s likely to have a far heftier price tag and the same goes for most of the iconic chairs which are widely replicated. Thanks to the affordability of replica furniture, you can create a designer look at a fraction of what you’d need to pay for original pieces.
Finding high quality cafe furniture at affordable prices can be challenging but here at Cafe Chairs Melbourne we make things easier by offering a great selection of replica furniture at extremely attractive prices. So if you’re interested to find out more about replica cafe furniture why not take a look in our online store or visit our showroom in Brisbane to see it first hand. Meanwhile if you have any questions you can always contact us on 07 3205 1616.