Imagine the situation…. you’ve got a cafe, restaurant or bistro with great outside space, but it isn’t exactly ‘bowling green’ flat. In fact every time you move a table to accommodate new guests you have to resort to the ‘folded-card-under-the-leg’ trick. As you can imagine it’s a time consuming action and one that takes members of staff away from the task in hand of looking after the customers’ needs. So what other options are there? How about embracing FLAT technology.
Invented back in 2004 as a way of eliminating wobbly tables once and for all, Australian Tony Pike was on to something when he developed a hydraulic system that naturally finds its level on any type of surface. Many years later after hefty investment and rigorous testing he rolled it out into the market place.
So how does it work?
A small hydraulic pump hidden inside the table base pumps fluid through a series of pipes also hidden within. Every time the ground surface changes, the hydraulic system inside either pulls up or pushes down the adjacent table leg until the table is perfectly flat and completely stable. Once the optimum level is reached it automatically locks in place. This process happens quickly (within a matter of seconds) and occurs each and every time the table is moved to a different uneven location.
What are the main advantages?
Firstly you no longer have to carry endless pieces of folded up card or beer mats in your pocket, or spend ten minutes levelling out a customer’s table. This means that the staff are then free to look after their guests as they know how.
Secondly it also means that multiple tables can be aligned quickly, so if you’re arranging tables at the start of the night, it becomes a quick and simple task. Also if it gets really busy, other tables can be brought in and made level quickly to accommodate waiting guests.
Finally, for any customer there’s nothing worse than sitting at a table only to find it wobbles. It’s both off-putting and infuriating, not to mention dangerous especially when hot food is involved. Conversely FLAT Technology gives customers peace-of-mind that even if they accidentally move the table it’s going to stay perfectly level.
If you want to find out more about how FLAT technology can benefit your business then contact Cafe Chairs Melbourne on 07 3205 1616. We’ve been supplying quality commercial cafe furniture for many years and have a good range of FLAT Technology table bases in stock.